Deploy a hybrid Kubernetes Cluster to Azure Container Service

Lately, I have been working a lot with Kubernetes as one (of many) solutions to run Docker containers in the cloud. Microsoft therefore offers Azure Container Service (ACS), a service to create and (partly) manage a Kubernetes cluster on Azure. You normally would deploy such a cluster via the Azure Portal or e.g. via the …

Secure an Aurelia Single Page App with Azure Active Directory B2C / MSAL

If you create a modern web application with an API / REST backend and a Single Page Application (SPA) as your frontend, that you want to run in the internet, you definitely don't want to handle security / user management on your own. You will want to use a service like Auth0 or Azure Active …

Deploy a Web App infrastructure using ARM templates

In my last post I discussed the basics of ARM templates and the Azure Resource Manager. In the following article, I would like to discuss a few other ways to deploy larger infrastructures, including dependencies, via an ARM template. The example infrastructure to be built here consists of the following components: Web API (App Service) …